Essential Supplements for CrossFit in Malta

CrossFit has taken Malta by storm, with an increasing number of fitness enthusiasts embracing its high-intensity and functional training. It’s not just a workout; it’s a community, a challenge, and a whole lot of sweat. The popularity of CrossFit in Malta is skyrocketing, and it’s no wonder why – the varied workouts keep things exciting, and the camaraderie keeps you coming back for more. We know supplements are not necessary for CrossFit athletes, but if you take the correct ones, they can give you a competitive advantage to power through your WOD like a champ. In this article, we’re going to break down five supplements: Protein Powder, Creatine, Beta Alanine, Electrolytes, and Omega-3s—that can significantly boost your CrossFit experience, regardless of whether you’re just starting out or already a seasoned enthusiast.

CrossFit Benefits and Some Tips for Beginners

CrossFit exercises consist of various functional movements executed at a high level of intensity. This method combines parts of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardiovascular training to create a workout that keeps you on your toes at all times. CrossFit ensures that your body constantly adapts to new challenges, whether lifting barbells, performing gymnastic skills, or pushing through complex aerobic circuits. CrossFit training’s diversified nature allows for a comprehensive approach to fitness. It promotes cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, and general athleticism. The emphasis on functional movements means that you’re not just lifting weights for the sake of lifting weights; you’re doing exercises that simulate real-life activities, making your increased strength usable outside the gym.

Tips for beginners:

  • Start with the Basics: Master fundamental movements before progressing to more complex exercises.
  • Listen to Your Body: CrossFit is intense, so pay attention to your body’s signals and prioritize proper form to avoid injury.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to progress. Stick to your workout routine and give your body time to adapt.
  • Optimal nutrition: Nutrition is the cornerstone of CrossFit success.
CrossFit supplements Malta

What Supplements Should I Take for CrossFit?

Now let’s dive into 5 essential supplements for CrossFit, which you can find from a local supplement shop in Malta, such as Boost.

Protein Powder

Protein powder is the overlooked hero of the fitness world, serving as a handy, practical, and effective source of protein. It comes in various forms, each with its own set of advantages for muscle growth and recovery.

Main benefits of Protein Powder for CrossFit:

  • Muscle Recovery: After a grueling CrossFit session, your muscles crave repair. Protein powder provides a quick and accessible source of amino acids, facilitating efficient recovery.
  • Convenience: In the hustle and bustle of daily life, convenience is vital. Protein powder allows you to meet your protein needs without the time-consuming preparation and cost of whole-food sources.
  • Weight Management: Protein powder aids weight management by promoting a feeling of fullness, reducing overall calorie intake, and preserving lean muscle mass during periods of calorie restriction.
  • Protein Synthesis: Ingesting protein stimulates protein synthesis, enabling new tissue to grow in place of destroyed tissue.

Boost Online Supplement Store in Malta has you covered for your protein powder needs. Explore a variety of protein options from reputable brands, to find the perfect fit for your CrossFit goals. From whey to plant-based, the choice is yours to make.


In the dynamic world of CrossFit, where strength, power, and quick recovery are paramount, creatine emerges as a potent supplement. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance that is mainly kept in the body’s muscle cells and converted into the energy-carrying molecule ATP. It is a low-risk supplement because the body produces it naturally. In actuality, foods like meat and fish contain creatine. It is also among the most widely researched and reasonably priced supplements available, and fortunately for us, it is effective.

Main Benefits of Creatine for CrossFit

  • Enhances Strength and Power: In CrossFit, where explosive movements and heavy lifts are integral, creatine becomes a crucial ally by providing the extra push needed for lifting heavier weights and executing powerful movements, ultimately contributing to enhanced strength gains.
  • Supports Muscle Recovery: CrossFit’s demanding nature necessitates quick recovery between varied and intense exercises. Creatine aids in the replenishment of ATP, expediting the recovery process by ensuring efficient energy availability for muscle cells after intense efforts.

Boost offers a variety of creatine supplements to suit your preferences. Choose a pure creatine monohydrate for cost-effective and proven results.


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats crucial to overall health, particularly in reducing inflammation, promoting heart health, and supporting brain function. For CrossFit, the benefits extend to enhanced recovery, joint support, and improved exercise performance.

Main Benefits of Omega-3 for CrossFit

  • Supports Joint Health: CrossFit’s dynamic and varied movements can strain joints. Therefore, Omega-3s can act as a natural defense, promoting joint health and resilience for athletes engaged in frequent and intense workouts.
  • Reduces Exercise-Induced Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory nature of omega-3 fatty acids helps mitigate the inflammation caused by the intensity of CrossFit, therefore promoting quicker recovery.
  • Boosts Endurance: Additionally, Omega-3s aid in blood flow regulation, which enhances endurance during exercise. Omega-3 supplements aid in improving overall sports performance and reduce fatigue by increasing blood flow to the muscles.

Boost Malta provides a selection of omega-3 supplements. Choose a reputable brand with third-party testing for purity and potency.


Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium that play a vital role in maintaining proper fluid balance in the body. These minerals become essential for maintaining adequate hydration, muscle performance, and overall recovery for CrossFit athletes.

Main Benefits of Electrolytes for CrossFit:

  • Prevents Dehydration: CrossFit’s high-intensity nature and varied movements can lead to significant fluid loss. Taking Electrolytes prevents dehydration by regulating the body’s water balance during sweaty workouts.
  • Supports Muscle Function: Electrolytes, specifically potassium and sodium, are required for correct muscular contraction and relaxation, as well as overall muscle function.

To maintain optimal electrolyte levels, consider consuming electrolyte supplements during or after intense CrossFit workouts. Boost Online Supplement Store in Malta recognizes the significance of electrolyte balance for CrossFit performance – explore their range of electrolyte supplements.


Beta-Alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid pivotal in buffering lactic acid buildup in muscles during intense exercise, promoting endurance, and delaying muscle fatigue. If you think of creatine for power, strength, and hypertrophy, think of beta-alanine for longer anaerobic performances.

Main Benefits of Beta-Alanine for CrossFit:

  • Increases Exercise Capacity: CrossFit’s AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) and EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) workouts demand sustained effort. Beta-Alanine boosts exercise capacity, enabling athletes to endure longer and perform more repetitions.
  • Delays Muscle Fatigue: Beta-alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid that serves as a building block for carnosine. Carnisone aids in buffering lactic acid, which helps delay muscle fatigue, allowing for extended periods of high-intensity effort without compromising performance.

Choose a Beta-Alanine product that aligns with your preferences and dosage requirements. Check out these from Boost:

Nutrition Tips for CrossFit 

If you love CrossFit training but haven’t thought about what to eat, you might be missing out on tremendous progress in your WODs (workouts of the day). In addition to the supplements we recommended earlier, optimal nutrition is the cornerstone of CrossFit success. Here are some nutrition tips to keep in mind:

  • Ingest a wide variety of macronutrients.
  • Proper hydration is crucial for performance. 
  • Avoid sugar.
  • Eat a lot of green vegetables, lean meats, nuts and seeds.
  • Incorporate complex carbohydrates to fuel your workouts and aid in recovery.
nutrition for CrossFit

Wrap up

As you begin your CrossFit journey, remember that supplementation is a tool to enhance your efforts, not a shortcut. Combined with a balanced diet, these five supplements—Protein Powder, Creatine, Beta Alanine, Electrolytes, and Omega-3s—can contribute to your performance. Prioritize your health, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey of self-improvement and fitness. Boost online supplement store is your go-to destination for high-quality supplements in Malta. Explore their range and make informed choices to fuel your CrossFit passion. 

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