Vitamins and Supplements to Boost Energy & Combat Fatigue

The demands of modern life often leave us feeling wiped out and exhausted, from long work hours to balancing personal commitments. When you’re fatigued, your initial reaction might be to seek a sweet snack to boost your energy. However, that sluggish feeling may not be due to a lack of energy alone. Your diet may be missing out on important vitamins and nutrients that no caffeine or sugar can compensate for. In this blog, we’ll dig into why you may be feeling tired during the day, check out the top vitamins to boost energy and beat fatigue, and discuss some lifestyle tweaks that can put the spring back in your step.

Reasons for Daytime Fatigue

how to fight daytime fatigue

One of the biggest causes of midday fatigue is our fast-paced modern lifestyle. The constant hustle, stress, and information overload deplete our energy levels. The never-ending to-do lists and constant access to work and social media can leave us mentally and physically exhausted. Here are a couple of reasons why you’re constantly feeling tired during the day:

  1. Not eating a wide variety of foods,
  2. Consuming too few calories,
  3. Poor sleep habits,
  4. High level of stress,
  5. Lack of exercise,
  6. Ignoring your mental health and well-being,
  7. Nutritional deficiency,
  8. Drinking too much coffee

Focusing on the best ways to improve your energy starts with ensuring your body receives the required nutrients. Despite our best efforts, our diets may occasionally fall short of providing these essential components. Incorporating daily vitamins and supplements into your routine is an excellent method to bridge the nutritional gap and feel more energized. Supplements can provide a convenient and dependable source of vitamins, minerals, and other critical nutrients that help you stay energized throughout the day. 

The Best Vitamins and Supplements for Energy

best vitamins and supplements for energy

Vitamin B Complex

A good vitamin B complex supplement contains all the B vitamins, choline, and inositol. Although choline is not a vitamin, it is commonly classed with the B vitamins due to functional similarities. Inositol is also frequently included in B complex supplements because it helps with mood management, nerve signaling, and cellular communication. It has been linked to improved mental wellness and cognitive performance. 

The B vitamins are necessary for the mechanisms that transform food into energy. Vitamins B6 and B12 are also required to create red blood cells, which help with energy by delivering oxygen to all cells in the body.


Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb with a history in Ayurvedic medicine, has garnered popularity for its ability to improve energy and counteract feelings of fatigue. This potent herb is well-known for helping the body adapt to physical and mental stress, both of which can cause fatigue. Ashwagandha may indirectly enhance energy levels and stamina by lowering the impact of stress on the body. 

Furthermore, it may support adrenal gland function by balancing cortisol levels, which can increase during stress. As a result, people who include ashwagandha in their health regimens frequently report feeling more energized, less weary, and more prepared to face the challenges of daily life. 


Iron is a mineral essential for energy production. The body needs it to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from your lungs throughout the body. Without adequate Iron in the body, oxygen delivery is limited, resulting in extreme fatigue. 

An Iron deficiency can also cause difficulty concentrating and fighting off viruses. Women with heavy periods, pregnant women, and individuals who do not consume meat, poultry, or shellfish are all at risk of iron deficiency. People suffering from some gastrointestinal illnesses may also be deficient in Iron.

If you want to boost your energy, you should not just take iron supplements. Iron is required when the iron levels in the blood are low. Before using iron supplements, speak with your doctor or a dietician.


Magnesium, often regarded as a silent hero in maintaining overall well-being, is an essential electrolyte that plays a role in many functions of your body, especially energy metabolism and muscular function. Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme activities, many of which are involved in converting food into energy. This mineral aids in the synthesis and storage of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body’s primary energy currency. When your magnesium levels are optimal, your cells can efficiently make and utilize ATP, ensuring that you have a consistent supply of energy to draw on throughout the day.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, well-known for its immune-boosting properties, provides a diverse approach to reducing fatigue and increasing overall energy. This vital nutrient is a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells and tissues from damage by lowering oxidative stress, keeping their functionality, and preventing fatigue. 

Furthermore, vitamin C is important for iron absorption, which is essential for maintaining energy levels. As discussed, your body needs Iron for the synthesis of haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen throughout the body. Without enough Iron, your cells may struggle to receive the oxygen required for optimal energy generation, resulting in fatigue. 

CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10)

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring chemical in the body essential for energy production within our cells. CoQ10 levels might drop as we age or when diagnosed with certain medical illnesses, resulting in diminished energy and weariness. Supplementation can increase energy and decrease fatigue by improving the efficiency of the mitochondria, the energy-producing powerhouses within our cells. 

CoQ10 can provide a notable boost in overall vitality by assisting in converting food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the body’s principal energy source. Furthermore, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, helping to protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce inflammation, which can both contribute to fatigue. 

Lifestyle Changes to Boost Energy

lifestyle changes to boost energy

In addition to energy supplements, you must also take into consideration that long-term vitality typically results from holistic lifestyle choices. 

  • Prioritising restorative sleep.
  • Exercise strengthens your body and releases endorphins, which contribute to greater alertness and overall well-being. 
  • A diet rich in whole foods, lean proteins, and whole grains, provides the nutrients needed to maintain regular energy levels while avoiding the crashes associated with processed foods. 
  • Adequate hydration. 
  • Stress management practices such as meditation and mindfulness help to boost your energy reserves even more.


Daytime fatigue is a common problem in today’s world, but it is not unsolvable. Addressing the underlying reasons for exhaustion, including vitamins and minerals into your diet, and making positive lifestyle adjustments will help you reclaim the energy you need to face each day. The vitamins and supplements suggested are only one piece of the jigsaw; equally crucial are the lifestyle choices we make daily.

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